Plumbing - Valves
Oatey® is the leading brand of solvent cements, roof flashings, washing machine outlet boxes, air admittance valves, plumbing chemicals, wax bowl rings and hundreds of other plumbing specialty products.
Access Panels, Cements,Primers,Cleaners, Drainage, Fittings, Gaskets, Pipe Hangers, Plumbers Putty, Plumbing Accessories, Seals, Solder, Flux, Supply Boxes, Valves
Keeney's Plumb-Pak brands offer a wide variety of plumbing solutions including water supply, toilet repair, bath and kitchen plumbing parts, bath safety products, faucets and more.
Drainage, Pipe/Fittings, Plumbing Accessories, PVC Pipes, Repair Parts-Toilet, Valves, Water Supply Connectors
The SharkBite® Connection System from Cash Acme makes any plumbing project fast and easy. Whether you need to repair a broken pipe or plumb a whole house, SharkBite is the push-fit solution for leak-free results.
Copper, CPVC, Pipe/Fittings, Valves, Water Supply Connectors